且讓我們為您沖一壺醇香,雅座閒談咖啡的故事。與君話家常,杯莫停, 渡過美好的夏日生活。

➡ 時間:8 月 29 日 (週六) 中午12:00 - 下午1:30
➡ 每位 NT$1,100+10% (含課程教學與美味午餐)
➡ 訂位請洽:(02) 7711-2080
* 至多10人,請儘速報名


Experience the fun of pour-over coffee and learn about coffee extraction and tasting! On this beautiful Saturday afternoon, we will have a DIY coffee class for beginners with special host KutaFuta Coffee. Join us and enjoy the iced coffee made by yourself!
- Date & Time: 29 August 2020 from 12:00pm-1:30pm
- NT$1,100+10% per person (including the DIY course and set lunch)
- For reservations, please contact: (02) 7711-2080"